Wednesday, August 31, 2005

financial aid gremlins

Ok, I usualy put some fairly serious and thoughtful entries on this blog, but I'm going to make an exception this time. Can ANYONE in this world tell me HOW!! HOW!! can 1 financial aid office manage to completely ruin my life so comletely? How is it that one office can misclassify my student loans EVERY SIMESTER for 5 simoultaneous simesters? Reason tells me that I will have rent, utility, and food expenses starting from the begining of the simester until the end, at least. This is the normal course of things. Yet the financial aid office has managed, for the 5th simester in a row, to 'misclassify' my loans, so that I am in reciept of such in OCTOBER. Between now and then, I have to hope that my profesors don't heed emails telling them that I am not to be allowed to sit in thier class for lack of payment of tuition. I can only pray that I am not evicted, that my power isn't shut off, and that I can find some way to get food. First simester last year, this happened as well. The summer before that, I wasn't given credit for the class that I was taking, andI wasn't given ANY financial aid at all for the first simester, nor was I allowed to register for classes. This happened all at once, and I inquired why. It turned out that my summer tuition loan had been 'misclassifed.' IT HAD BEEN APPROVED FOR 2007!! Therefore, hadn't been paid! Therefore, I couldn't get the subsequent simesters financial aid to pay tuition OR for living expenses! What did I do? I had to pay the previous summer's tuition OUT OF POCKET, so that I could get the student loans to pay first simester tuition, forget about living expenses! I didn't get my May-Augst 2005 loans until March of 2006!!!! WHAT THE HECK PEOPLE!!! HOW HARD CAN IT BE TO CLASSIFY A FLIPPIN' LOAN!!!! What, you may ask, is the problem?? I've deduced that financial Aid gremlins live in my school. It is, apparently, the oldest law school in the continental U.S., or so it claims. I think its actualy the oldest in NY, since Harvard was, I believe, the first real law school in the U.S., which would probably make it the oldest by necesity. I could be wrong about this, but if it is as old as it claims to be, gremlins would have had plenty of time to establish themselves, and learn the ins and outs of the computer system. Yup, financial aid gremlins. thats the problem.


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