Thursday, October 27, 2005

whispers through the silence

Wittgenstein once said something to the tune that all meaningful things we must pass over in silence. All comment on verifiable fact was something that we could communicate concretely in language, but the important things we have to pass over in silence, those things outside of the box of sense.

As a background to this, he said it in the face of logical positivism, both affirming and destroying thier philosphy in one fell swoop. But that doesn't really concern this entry.

What did he mean? First, that we are passing over something. Second, that that something is meaningful. Third, that something is so subjective, so close to our persons, that its impossible to actualy communicate it in language, which is itself rather objective, although there is a certain value is using language as a ladder.

The reason I say this is because of love. Love is one of these things. And it is only in the act, reciept, and lack of it that we recognize it and realize at least partly how much we need it. In the act because it brings us joy. In reciept because it gives us stregnth. In the lack because there is a part of us that is missing.
To tell you what it is about love that makes me realize this now, I cannot ever accomplish


At 10:41 PM, Blogger bloggrez said...

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